With Hibernate, enums can be easily mapped either by enum item name or the position of each item but what if you want to map it to a customized value? In my case, we have so many one-character long columns in our tables, representing flags, statuses etc. We have heaps of them. Writing UserTypes for each enum field is very boring and nasty job. As every where you see in internet, you need to keep a Map for each user-type in order to map those values to enum elements. So to avoid this, I ended up with something more clean, easy and more generic. Now imagine you have following enum: public enum PaymentFrequencyEnum { WEEKLY("WK"), FORTNIGHTLY("FN"), MONTHLY("MT"), QUARTERLY("QL"), YEARLY("YL"); private String value; private PaymentFrequency(String value) { this.value = value; } } I've chosen two-letter code as value so that you understand m...
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