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My name is Mohammad. I am a passionate Java developer.
When I was in university, I was very interested in Borland Delphi and Turbo C++ they were hot at those ages but I ended up with my first job as Oracle Developer. I was lucky because Delphi was about to die and now we can call it an ancient programming language! It is back to its hometown: Delphi Temple :)

So after two years working with Oracle Form Builder and Oracle database, I attracted to Java. So first thing I learned was Apache Struts 1.1. It was awesome however now every body smiles when you mention it :)

Very soon I switched to JSF and JBoss. But they were very young at that time. I also worked with Beehive from Apache which nobody may heard about it :)

I worked with Apache Lucene, JSF and JBoss Seam for about two years and then I packed my bag to work in back end. I love back end programming!

My best years of working was in a Banking software company which I had oppurtunity to design and develop some big applications from scratch which I am really proud of.

Just want to mention, I re-created and re-designed the existing SMS Banking System.
I also worked in Deposit Management, Payment System and General Ledger.
I was involved in designing these application.

Today, everybody talks about team and being a team player. I love working as part of a team but every one has different strength. I have to say, I am very productive when I do it myself. This doesn't mean I'm not a team player.

When it comes to design an application, I'm very good at it. I always had this problem that it's hard for me to convince people about my design and ideas and why I'm doing this ... but the result were always been so good and appreciated. My viewpoint in implementing a software is to make it easy to understand for future developers as well as easy to change, replace and or enhance.
Only when the application grows, you'll notice how much these concepts are important.

I also believe to achieve these it is important that you follow best practices and also not follow them always! In other words, it's not sin if you don't follow them. It depends on the situation. Sometimes you have to break the rules to get something better.

I believe standards are good and necessary while you are not forced to follow them always. I hate to force developers to follow standards and yet I don't like those people who don't care about standards! I hope you understand what I mean :)

I also kind of against agile programming and scrum. These kind of thinking brought to you by corporations to make more money and ruin developers life. And they don't understand that they have to spend more time and money instead because of the fact that developing faster means more bugs and complexity. Documents about scrum always show more productivity and less bugs. In action this never happens. Unfortunately this also looks very luxurious in the eyes of to developers and I can see tears flowing in their eyes when you speak about scrum 8)
To me it's just a mirage!


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